My daily hike up the hill and back is about 4 miles and takes me about 1 hour. This hike along with daily meditation & stretches has changed the way I look at the world.
I hiked and still do up to “My Tree” which became a symbol of the pandemic. When the weather cleared due to decreased traffic the tree was beautiful. When the fires started though out California the tree was shrouded with an orange haze.
During this time I decided life is short and the decisions we make on a daily basis affect us profoundly. During the pandemic choices were limited. I started walking the hill early in the pandemic to alleviate the stress of important aspects of my life being taken away from me. Many of my favorite things like going out on date night Friday were no longer an option. My husband was doing the grocery shopping and going to work but society at large said we should all stay home, so I did. I walked every day, besides cooking and cleaning, I had little else to do. I had suddenly turned from a social animal into Forest Gump. I walked and walked because since I couldn’t do much else, walking seemed to be the logical alternative. Then something happened, I slowly started to feel better; then much, much better. I started feeling really good, cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and tidying up the garage. I started cooking daily and Kevin and I started losing weight and feeling better. My dinners were colorful, flavorful and delicious. My kitchen cabinets and bedroom drawers were nicely organized. And I started making better decisions in other areas of my life.
Pearl of Wisdom: If you start taking care of yourself and your home, everything else falls into place.