What a Journey it’s Been.

I am a retired Hand Therapist. After working at a retirement community in High School, a sawmill in rural Indiana, and several high tech firms in Silicon Valley, I decided to go back to school in my thirties to pursue a college degree. After getting my BSOT (Bachelor’s of Science in Occupational Therapy) at 39, I enjoyed my career as a Hand Therapist for 21 years and retired 3 years ago. I loved working with people every day throughout their rehabilitation, and helping them regain the use of their hands. Although I miss being a Hand Therapist, retirement has opened so many other opportunities for me to explore.
Here in California we are blessed with beautiful weather. My husband and I enjoy working in our garden to create a quiet place for us, our family, and our friends to enjoy. With many fruit trees, citrus trees, and a summer and winter garden, it’s been hard to imagine living anywhere else.
We also live close to a County Park with beautiful rolling hills and Oak trees. We have hiked every trail and for many years the park has been a wonderful place to come home to, and has offered the perfect venue for exercise, training for a triathlon, and self discovery.
The self discovery aspect has taken on a new meaning during the pandemic. For reasons unknown to me at this point of my life’s journey, I have experienced many adventures hiking in the hills these last few years. One of the main themes that has been made clear to me, is to remind myself that tomorrow is not promised. Experiencing the journey as it unfolds through good times and bad has helped me appreciate my life.
I started this blog because I wanted to share my experiences and discoveries with you as I continue down life’s path. I also love cooking, gardening, pairing wine with food, hiking, and figuring out the best way of taking care of myself.
I hike the hill every day and find solace and peace at my tree at the top………. Remember, tomorrow is not promised. Make the best out of life and may God Bless you.
Enjoy, My Summer Solstice.